Tag Archives: Struggle

July 18th, 2006

How can we be authentic if we don’t know who we are? My hand writing even changes; without knowledge, without exerting my will and certainly without my consent!

Is “who I am” summarized by what I’m feeling at any given moment? In the truest sense of the word “feelings” we do not CHOOSE them – so they cannot be generated by a self, they are experienced BY or manifested WITHIN a self. Therefore they are authentic.

But “authentic feelings” don’t account for everything that seems to comprise what we experience as self.

Echhart Tolle talks of a “Self” that is aware of feelings – not the feelings themselves. Paul talks of “self control” Interesting word…hold. looking it up:

Temperance, continence, self-restraint especially with regard to diet and chastity

Classically, temperance was defined as governing natural appetites for the pleasure of senses according to the bounds of reason. No virtue could be sustained in the face of inability to control oneself, if the virtue was opposed to some desire; this is why it is classified as a cardinal virtue, where “cardinal” signifies “pivotal.”

Akrasia, occasionally transliterated as acrasia (from Greek, “lacking command (over oneself)”) is the state of acting against one’s better judgment. Although this philosopher’s technical term is usually employed in its Greek form (i.e., akrasia/akratic) in English texts, it was once the philosophers’ English language convention to use the precise English equivalent of akrasia/akratic, incontinence/incontinent. However, it now seems that the correct, widely established convention is to use the term akrasia.

Examples of acting against one’s better judgment would include a man who believes extra-marital sex would imperil his soul (or his marriage), but has an affair anyway, or a person who believes eating high-fat food is unhealthy and violates his New Year’s resolution not to do so.

A puzzle posed by Socrates (in Plato‘s Protagoras) is precisely how this is possible – if one judges action A to be the best course of action, why would one do anything other than A? Donald Davidson sees the problem as one of reconciling the following apparently inconsistent triad:

  • If an agent believes A to be better than B, then he wants to do A more than B.
  • If an agent wants to do A more than B, then he will do A rather than B if he only does one.
  • Sometimes an agent acts against his better judgment.

Davidson solves the problem by saying that, when people act in this way, they temporarily believe that the worse course of action is better, because they have not made an all-things-considered judgment, but only a judgment based on a subset of possible considerations.

A less philosophical, more obvious answer is that there are different forms of motivation, which can conflict with each other. Throughout the ages, many have identified a conflict between reason and emotion, which might make it possible to believe that one should do A rather than B, but still end up wanting to do B more than A.

Much of the philosophical literature takes akrasia to be the same thing as weakness of the will. So, for example, a smoker who wants to quit – yet cannot – acts against her better judgment (that quitting smoking is best) due to a weak will. But a few have challenged the link. Richard Holton for example sees weakness of the will as a tendency to revise one’s judgment about what is best too easily. So the smoker might one moment feel that she should give up, but at another that the joy of smoking outweighs the risks, oscillating back and forth between judgments. Such a person has a weak will but is not acting akratically.

Under this view, it is also possible to act against one’s better judgment, but without weakness of will. One might, for example, decide that taking revenge upon a murderer is both immoral and imprudent, but decide to take revenge anyway, and never flinch from this decision. Such a person behaves akratically but does not show weakness of will.

All of this has the flavor of “two entities”: the SELF and that thing which controls the SELF.

Seeing both parts as an integer seems central. But without a grasp of the component parts, how to?

George McDonald’s character, Anodos in Phantastes acquires a “shadow” which haunts him throughout his journey. Eventually the shadow leaves him after an experience of being humbled.

But this has the quality of LOSING something – not integrating something.

In Romans 8, Paul talks of losing something – the SIN NATURE. He also talks of the Spirit. Now we have 4 players in this drama.

I need a program….

These Greek words all smack of sin management. I’m not interested in simply managing sin.

Early 2006

More hand-written scraps from late Winter / Early Spring 2006

God – I’m going to have to be changed at a very deep level (big surprise) regarding motivation. I realized that I was thrilled when an item got checked off my prayer list, not because you did something cool – but because I got something “off” my prayer list!

I confess: I am still deeply motivated by the idea that there is a destination; a completeness on this side of Heaven, that frankly doesn’t “require” you.

It would seem that I am more concerned with achieving than with being with you.


Man, was that last entry the truth or what?!

God, I am angered and frustrated at the depth to which my selfishness runs…more than selfishness: Megalomania!

It seems that my ‘self” will seize upon anything to feed. It feasts on the corpses of innocent victims swept away by a wave. It salivates at the failure of a colleague because it can stand upon their failure and in doing so, claim higher ground.

It is more important to me to be right than to live in the truth. I want personal success more than I want the Kingdom of God to advance.



He is always shooting for the big pay-off, the big win. I have stopped looking for the BIG pay-off, but I’m still gambling with the same goal in mind: approval, attention, affection; I’m just more conservative about my bets. I’ve learned to play the odds.

Pretending to have all the answers (which is what I used to do, and Napolean so aptly demonstrates with his “Wolverine hunting” story) is a BIG risk. If just ONE person were to actually buy into his story telling, they would be a nearly un-limited source of approval for him. Jackpot!

Back to me: Just because I can now acknowledge that I do not have all the answers (I’ve stopped telling my own versions of the Wolverine hunting story) does not automatically mean I’m not looking for a pay-off; that I’ve given up on gambling for approval. It might mean I’m just more conservative. I’ve left the high-stakes poker game and I’m just playing the penny-slots now.


How can we be authentic if we don’t know who we are?


I am content with human approval, food, sleep admiration, quantity, activity, being fat, being tired, a reputation, noise, weeping and  slavery when I COULD have perfect love, fullness rest, adoration, quality, adventure, strength, power, play, music, dancing and freedom.


Repentance vs. Penance. There’s not much said in the Bible about penance.


Longing/Desire 1Peter 2:2,

Holy Dis-satisfaction. Pslam 63 Luke 22:14 The Last Supper

Romans 8:2-25 Creation groans with anticipation

Philippians 3:12-21 Press on eagerly await.

“Cloud of Un-knowing” pp 12-13 “Look ahead now and never mind what is behind; see what you still need, and not what you have, for this is how meekness is most quickly won and defended. Now you have to stand in desire all your life long if you are to make progress in the way of perfection. This desire must always be at work in your will by the power of almighty God and by your own consent.”

Pslam 18 – I’m constantly inserting some kind of insulation between me and god. While contemplating the March services I think about the experience people will have, the feelings, significance, transformation, word upon word, upon word…not until God’s Spirit spoke did I consciencely consider introducing people directly to God.

I keep putting a washer, a condom, a lubricant, a bearing between me and the person of God.


Simple Living: We are beginning to purposely impoverish ourselves as the promised fullness of a busy life turns out to be hollow. The “better life” that previous generations worked so hard to give us was void of Christ, and therefore was void.