This was my daughters 13th birthday. We asked a dozen or so people to write down their thoughts and advice about life and how they see her. We then bound those brief letters into a book and gave it to her as a gift; her own personal “book of wisdom”.
Out of every scrap of writing I have reviewed in the last couple of months preparing this blog, these next words are the most heart pounding so far. I completely forgot about this. And now, in September of 2010, nearly a year and a half after HIS death, I am moved in ways I can’t describe, that my father wrote these words.
Dear Kellie,
Some might say that it is “ironic” that within DAYS of Nanny folding her wings and going home, you are spreading yours and getting ready to fly for the first time.
Ironic? We both know what ironic means…right? This isn’t ironic. None the less, it doesn’t seem “fair” that Nanny can’t speak for herself at this most exciting time in your life. So I thought I would jot down a couple of thoughts that I think she might have shared…
- Love wildly. Take risks. Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!
- Be good. Don’t talk to strangers and always pay your debts.
- Serve others. Don’t try to get your own needs met first.
- Always stash away a little money somewhere for emergencies.
- Tell your stories BIG! You don’t have to “lie” but don’t be boring either.
- Stay close to your family if they’ll let you. If they won’t…do it anyway.
Love, Nanny.